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Woorank Certification Exam Answers for SEO Experts 2021 Updated

Before we move on to the answers below, here are some important things you should know about the exam.

Name of Exam: Woorank Certification Assessment.

Total No. of Questions and Time Limit: 44 Questions with 15 minutes to complete the exam.

Required Score and Validity Period: 80% or Higher to Pass and 12 Months Certificate Validity

Exam URL:

What Type Of Tool Would Be Best For Tracking How Users Are Engaging With Your Web Pages?

  • Page crawling tool
  • Heatmap tool
  • HTML parsing tool
  • Screencast tool

Which Of The Following Error Codes Is Used When The Requested Resource Has Been Permanently Removed?

  • 406
  • 410
  • 400
  • 404

An XML Sitemap Can Be Tested & Submitted To Google Using Google Search Console.

  • False
  • True

Why Should The Alt Attribute Be Included When Adding Images?

  • To provide search engines with details of images
  • To allow details of images to be picked up by screenreaders
  • To prevent other websites from using images without concent
  • To show alternative images in a series of similar images

Google Analytics Is Capable Of Tracking User Activity On Any Digitally Connected Device.

  • TRUE

A Deep Link Is:

  • A link with formatted anchor text (bold, italic)
  • A link to a webpage that is not the homepage
  • A homepage link to an external high authority source
  • A link to a third party site

Which Of The Following Is Required Based On Google’s Recommendations For A Mobile-Friendly Website?

  • Google Voice intergration
  • Mobile Viewport
  • Mobile App
  • Contact number

Pages Created Automatically From Searches Carried Out On Your Website Provide A Good Method For Building User Generated Content To Target New Keywords.

  • TRUE

In PPC The Advertiser Pays For:

  • Clicks on their ads
  • Impression on their ads
  • Brand visibility
  • The link juice acquired from the 

1% CTR Means That For Every 100 Impressions There Are 10 Clicks

  • True
  • False

Google Analytics Tracking Code Should Be Inserted:

  • Just before the closing ‘body’ tag
  • Just after the opening ‘body’ tag
  • Just after the opening ‘head’ tag
  • Just before the closing ‘head’ tag

What Is NOT A Benefit Of Local SEO?

  • Your listing appearing in Google Shopping results
  • Your listing appearing higher in the results for related searches from users searching in your target location
  • Your listing appearing in Google Maps
  • Your listing appearing in the local pack results

In Google Analytics, The Value (Not Set) Appears For The Selected Dimension When No Source Filters Have Been Applied To The Property View.

  • False
  • True

Which Of The Following Is The Most Important For On-Page SEO?

  • H1 tag
  • Title tag
  • Alt attribute
  • Keywords tag

Which Of The Following Tools Is Not Used For Backlink Analysis?

  • Google Analytics
  • ahrefs
  • Majestic
  • Google Search Console

Which Of The Following Redirects Should Be Used When Perminantly Redirecting The Location Of One URL To Another?

  • 302
  • 301
  • 307
  • 303

Which Of The Following Is Against Google’s Guidelines?

  • Directory links
  • Text advertisements that use the nofollow tag
  • Paid links
  • Links that pass link juice

Evergreen Content Has A Short Shelf Life, Like A News Article.

  • False
  • True

In Digital Marketing, What Does UX Stand For?

  • User Extension
  • User Experience
  • Universal Experience
  • Unidentified Extract

The Alt Attribute Is:

  • A Meta tag that highlights an alternate page
  • A Meta tag used to specify the anchor text
  • An image attribute that describes the image
  • The alternate name for the meta title

Google Search Console’s ‘Search Analytics’ Allows Users To Track And Filter Clicks, Impressions, CTR & Positions, Using Data From The Last 16 Months.

  • True
  • False

Which Of The Following Tools Can Be Used To Identify Mobile Optimization Issues?

  • Google’s Dynamic Serving Tool
  • Google Mobile Console
  • Google Play
  • Google Mobile-Friendly Test

Which Of The Following Characters Should Be Used To Separate Words In URLs?

  • Colon
  • Pipe
  • Underscore
  • Hyphen

Which Of The Following Characters Should Be Used To Separate Words In URLs?

  • Colon
  • Pipe
  • Underscore
  • Hyphen

Anchor Text Is The Name Given To The Snippet Of Content Used To Promote Pages In The Search Results.

  • True
  • False

The Meta Description Can Help To:

  • Add comments to the HTML
  • Increase Click-Through-Rate
  • Describe an image
  • Improve rankings

An XML Sitemap Is:

  • A text file used to instruct robots which pages they can crawl and index
  • A file used to associate the Search console account with a domain
  • A webpage that provides the hierarchy of all pages with links help users navigate a website
  • A file that lists all of your web pages along with details of how often they are updated

Which Of The Following Animals Is Associated With Google’s Algorithm Used To Target Sites With Large Amounts Of Thin Content?

  • Penguin
  • Hummingbird
  • Panda
  • Pigeon

In Email Marketing, The Abbreviation UCE Stands For:

  • Unsolicited communication via email
  • Unwanted commercial email
  • Uncommon communication email
  • Unsolicited commercial email


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