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Display & Video 360 Certification Exam Answers 2021 Updated

Before you get to the answers below here are some things you should know about the exam.

Exam Name – Display & Video 360 Certification Exam.

Total Questions and Time Limit – 59 Questions with 60 minutes to complete entire exam.

Exam URL –

Whatsapp For Exam Services – +923201479679

Display & Video 360 Certificate Solutions

Display and video ads are the ads of choice for marketers for their campaigns. Display ad is the visual ad with a photo that you usually see on websites, and video ads are the video ads that appear on YouTube and other websites. Google has designed a course to teach markets the 360-degree global capabilities of these ads. This course is available on Skillshop under the name Display and Video 360.

About Display and Video 360 Certification Course

This course is specifically designed for marketers who have hands-on experience managing the Google Platform for Advertising. As part of this course, Google covered topics such as campaign creation, goal setting, targeting, and budgeting for inventory and ad allocation. In addition, measuring and optimizing advertisements is also taught.

After studying the modules, Google plans an online test. After passing the test, you will receive a certificate confirming your proficiency as a search engine marketer. The certificate is easily accessible through the Skillshop and Gmail platform. The certificate is valid for one year; after that you have to try again.

Motive of providing Display and Video 360 Certification Course Exam Solution

As mentioned, this course is only available to marketers involved in digital marketing. Practice is required to understand the concept in the module. As with studying the modules, you should also prepare for the Skillshop exam. To help you practice for the test session, we provide you with the final questions asked during the exam. The solutions to these questions answered by marketers are grouped. You are strongly advised not to use these solutions as a source of cheating.

Q.1 – To activate the creative approvals process for a new creative, what step must be taken?

  • (A) Set the creative to active
  • (B) Upload the creative to Display & Video 360
  • (C) Resubmit the creative for approval
  • (D) Assign the creative to an active line item

Q.2- What inventory sources allow for exclusive publisher partnerships?

  • (A) Automatic Deals and preferred deals
  • (B) Preferred deals and private auctions
  • (C) Exchanges and preferred deals
  • (D) Automatic Deals and private auctions

Q.3 – What hierarchy levels are required to permission and link a YouTube channel to run TrueView?

  • (A) Advertiser and Insertion Order
  • (B) Partner and Advertiser
  • (C) Campaign and Advertiser
  • (D) Partner and Insertion Order

Q.4 – When creating a new TrueView campaign, how long should be allocated for creative review?

  • (A) Up to 24 hours
  • (B) Up to 12 hours
  • (C) Up to 6 hours
  • (D) Up to 2 hours

Q.5 – Which two settings can be edited in Campaign Settings? (select two)

  • (A) Bidding Strategy
  • (B) Campaign goal
  • (C) Frequency caps
  • (D) Creative

Q.6 – What data cannot be evaluated with a Standard or General performance report?

  • (A) The match ratio of third- and first-party audience segments
  • (B) Impressions and eCPM by website
  • (C) Clicks and conversions for individual creatives
  • (D) Viewability metrics across each IO and line item

Q.7 – For deals, which tool can be used to identify if the correct creative sizes are sent with the bid request?

  • (A) YouTube Programmatic Guaranteed reporting
  • (B) Advertiser’s History
  • (C) Creative status field
  • (D) Deals Troubleshooter

Q.8 – What report can identify when a campaign overspent the budget?

  • (A) Basic or Standard report, grouped by “Time of Day”
  • (B) A Verification report, grouped by “Advertiser Currency”
  • (C) A SDF report based on the insertion order and line items
  • (D) An Inventory Availability report grouped by “Time of Day”

Q.9 – When users make changes to a line item or insertion order, where are those changes displayed?

  • (A) In the downloadable Structured Data File
  • (B) Under Change History in the change log
  • (C) In the left panel after searching for the user name
  • (D) In the Partner’s Basic Details

Q.10 – How can a profit margin be applied to the revenue metric?

  • (A) Add a column and manually calculate revenue
  • (B) Add a percent markup in the billing profile
  • (C) Assign the pixel to a line item’s conversion tracking
  • (D) Assign a media cost markup to the partner revenue model

Q.11 – What step would be taken to verify that conversion pixels are implemented and load correctly?

  • (A) Generate a Standard or General report and include conversion metrics
  • (B) Generate a Unique Reach report and include Cookie Reach: Average Impression Frequency
  • (C) Generate a pixel load report grouped by the conversion pixel(s)
  • (D) Check the line item performance metrics for conversions greater than zero

Q.12 – What line items are impacted by insertion order default targeting?

  • (A) New line items only, not current line items
  • (B) All current line items
  • (C) TrueView line items
  • (D) Only video line items

Q.13 – How can a creative be submitted for audit after it’s been rejected and fixed?

  • (A) Select the creative and select “Activate”
  • (B) Select the creative and click “Resubmit for approval”
  • (C) On the Creative’s page, click the refresh button
  • (D) Assign the creative to another line item

Q.14 – What report can help verify if pixels load correctly on a webpage?

  • (A) Floodlight
  • (B) Gross Rating Points
  • (C) Inventory Availability
  • (D) Reach

Q.15 – What does an audit status of “Pending, servable” mean?

  • (A) The creative will serve, but is prohibited due to unsuitable content
  • (B) The creative will not serve for 24 hours
  • (C) The creative will serve, but may be rejected after policy review
  • (D) The creative will not serve until resubmitted for approval

Q.16 – What report shows the number of unique users for a specific website?

  • (A) Audience Composition
  • (B) Inventory Availability
  • (C) Standard
  • (D) Page-Category

Q.17 – What insertion order settings must be set before a campaign can go live?

  • (A) Auto-budget allocation and targeting
  • (B) Bids and creatives
  • (C) Bid multipliers and goals
  • (D) Budgets and flight dates

Q.18 – What feature allows users to adjust fixed bids for different geographies or device types?

  • (A) Partner revenue model
  • (B) Bid multipliers
  • (C) Viewability targeting
  • (D) Recency targeting

Q.19 – How can a site be blacklisted from an advertiser’s media buys?

  • (A) Add the URL to the advertiser’s URL field
  • (B) Identify the website’s key phrases and use them in keyword exclusion targeting
  • (C) Use the audience composition report and exclude audiences that visit that site
  • (D) Add the URL to a channel that is assigned to the advertiser’s exclusionary channel targeting

Q.20 – What is the correct Display & Video 360 account hierarchy?

  • (A) Partner > Campaign > Advertiser > Insertion order > Line item > Creative
  • (B) Insertion order > Partner > Line > Advertiser
  • (C) Partner > Advertiser > Campaign > Insertion order > Line item > Creative
  • (D) Account > Line item > Advertiser > Insertion order > Partner

Q.21 – What should be used to investigate why a line item isn’t winning the majority of qualifying open auction impressions?

  • (A) A General or Standard report grouped by channel
  • (B) The line item’s impressions lost chart
  • (C) The “Line Item Settings” CSV
  • (D) The Inventory Marketplace forecast

Q.22 – When is a “view” counted for TrueView campaigns?

  • (A) Each time Active View recognizes TrueView
  • (B) Each time the user watches at least two seconds of the video
  • (C) Each time the user clicks or watches 30 seconds or the entire video
  • (D) Each time a video’s screen is 50% viewable on the page

Q.23 – What format cannot share a frequency cap with other media formats?

  • (A) Native
  • (B) TrueView
  • (C) Video
  • (D) Display

Q.24 – What step should be taken to assign an advertiser to a preferred deal when creating a new inventory source?

  • (A) Add the advertiser’s name to the inventory access field
  • (B) Ask the publisher to activate the deal in Display & Video 360’s insertion order
  • (C) Check that the advertiser has been automatically added to the line item’s deal
  • (D) Assign the advertiser using a Google form

Q.25 – Which two objectives can be selected as a campaign goal? (select two)

  • (A) Remarket to existing customers
  • (B) Behavioral audience targeting
  • (C) Raise awareness of my brand or product
  • (D) Drive offline or in-store sales

Q.26 – What step should be taken to view performance data for targeted audience segments?

  • (A) Generate an audience performance report and select “include only targeted audience lists”
  • (B) Generate an audience composition report and filter for line items targeting audiences
  • (C) Go into the insertion orders default targeting and use the potential reach metric
  • (D) Generate an Inventory Availability report and filter by all targeted audiences.

Q.27 – At what levels can pacing be set?

  • (A) Line item and ad group
  • (B) Insertion order and line item
  • (C) Campaign and insertion order
  • (D) Campaign and line item

Q.28 – How are line items affected when a user edits the default targeting for insertion orders?

  • (A) Existing and new line items apply the original default targeting
  • (B) New line items inherit the new default targeting and existing line items inherit edits to default geotargeting
  • (C) New and existing line items inherit the new insertion order targeting
  • (D) Existing line items are uneffected and new line items inherit the new default targeting

Q.29 – To optimize the campaign towards viewability, which two approaches can an advertiser take? (select two)

  • (A) Set the bid strategy to viewable CPM (vCPM)
  • (B) Assign viewability targeting
  • (C) Only target inventory displayed on mobile apps
  • (D) Add a pixel to the Default tag in Campaign Manager

Q.30 – What is one benefit of applying “auto budget allocation” to an insertion order’s budget settings?

  • (A) The system automatically moves budget to higher performing line items
  • (B) The system will apply new budgets based on the insertion order’s goal
  • (C) Budget segments will automatically actualize and allocate to future segments
  • (D) The system automatically provides budget suggestions to the Quality metrics

Q.31 – What is a benefit of linking a YouTube channel to the advertiser in Display & Video 360?

  • (A) Access to YouTube masthead inventory
  • (B) Access to Floodlight tag tracking without using dynamic pixels
  • (C) Availability to frequency caps on all media buys across YouTube and other exchanges
  • (D) Access to earned metrics, like shares, and channel subscribers

Q.32 – How can a line item’s potential reach be increased from 1K to 1M targeted impressions?

  • (A) Increase the bid and budget
  • (B) Add targeting such as channel and environment
  • (C) Add budget segments to the insertion order
  • (D) Remove targeting such as keywords and exclusionary site lists

Q.33 – What steps should be taken at the Advertiser level to run TrueView?

  • (A) Link the YouTube video
  • (B) Enable TrueView in Advertiser settings
  • (C) Link the YouTube channel
  • (D) Enter the channel code in Advertiser settings

Q.34 – What step should be taken to determine which creatives had the lowest eCPM over the last month?

  • (A) Generate an Audience Composition report grouped by audience with the CPM metric selected
  • (B) Go into the creative section for the advertiser and compare the inline metrics for eCPM
  • (C) Generate a Standard report grouped by creative with the eCPM metric selected
  • (D) Generate an Inventory Availability report grouped by site and multiply average CPM by frequency

Q.35 – How can a campaign be activated after creating it?

  • (A) Submit an IO to your support agent
  • (B) Select the Activate dropdown for the campaign, line items, and insertion orders
  • (C) Set the campaign’s start date to “Today”
  • (D) Upload a campaign Structured Data File with “Live” in the status column

Q.36 – When targeting a private deal with a news publisher that constantly refreshes the text on the page, which targeting should be avoided?

  • (A) Keyword
  • (B) Geography
  • (C) Time and Day
  • (D) Demographics

Q.37 – What are two ways to check why a private deal is not running? (select two)

  • (A) Search the history logs for the deal
  • (B) Check the creative approval status
  • (C) Generate an Audience Composition report
  • (D) Use the Deals Troubleshooter

Q.38 – Which three settings could prevent deals from meeting their ad-serving goals? (select three)

  • (A) VAST and VPAID creatives that are approved
  • (B) Geotargeting and bid strategies
  • (C) Demographics and audience targeting
  • (D) Brand safety and sensitive category targeting

Q.39 – Which ad formats cannot be assigned to a single line item? (select two)

  • (A) VPAID and VAST
  • (B) Image and HTML5
  • (C) TrueView and Video
  • (D) Video and Display

Q.40 – How is the daily budget calculated for an insertion order with Flight Even pacing?

  • (A) The flight budget divided by the number of remaining days and multiplied by 1.5
  • (B) The remaining flight budget divided by the number of days remaining
  • (C) The remaining flight budget multiplied by the number of days remaining
  • (D) The campaign’s budget, minus the flight budget spent, divided by the number of days remaining

Q.41 – What are two ways to troubleshoot a non-spending line item? (select two)

  • (A) Check the line item’s Impression lost chart
  • (B) Check the creative approval status
  • (C) Confirm that media fees are invoiced
  • (D) Adjust the partner revenue model

Q.42 – What timezone is applied to inline charts and metrics data?

  • (A) US Eastern timezone
  • (B) US Pacific Timezone
  • (C) The advertiser’s timezone
  • (D) The user’s timezone

Q.43 – Where can an advertiser set their campaign goal?

  • (A) Insertion Order Default Targeting
  • (B) Campaign Settings
  • (C) Line Item Basic Details
  • (D) Partner Settings

Q.44 – When creating new video line items, what are two execution methods that save time? (select two)

  • (A) Use Structured Data Files to bulk upload new video line items
  • (B) Use the audience composition report, then exclude audiences that visit that site
  • (C) Duplicate video line items, then make bulk edits to targeting
  • (D) Convert display line items to video line items, then make inline adjustments to targeting

Q.45 – Which two pacing scenarios represent spend-behavior that’s working as intended? (select two)

  • (A) Even pacing line item overspends in the first six hours, and then pauses insertion order spend
  • (B) Ahead pacing line item spends 120% of its expected daily spend
  • (C) Even pacing line item spends 200% up front then evens out by the end of the month
  • (D) ASAP pacing line item spends the entire budget within the first couple of hours

Q.46 – Which environments and inventory sources cannot run within a single line item?

  • (A) Mobile app and mobile app interstitial
  • (B) YouTube and open exchange
  • (C) Desktop and mobile web
  • (D) Mobile web and mobile app

Q.47 – What are two Google Audiences? (select two)

  • (A) First-party
  • (B) Third-party
  • (C) In Market
  • (D) Affinity

Q.48 – Which exchanges have their own creative audit process?

  • (A) Google Ads Manager only
  • (B) Every exchange has its own creative audit process
  • (C) AdRoll, Pubmatic, Rubicon
  • (D) AppNexus, Google Ads Manager, BrightRoll

Q.49 – How does the setup for a Programmatic Guaranteed deal differ from a preferred deal?

  • (A) Programmatic Guaranteed deals are available in the insertion order’s Inventory source targeting
  • (B) The publisher sets up line items in Display & Video 360 for any Programmatic Guaranteed deals
  • (C) The publisher needs to agree on number of impressions and fixed price for a Programmatic Guaranteed deal
  • (D) The publisher needs to agree on the targeting and categories for an open auction deal

Q.50 – What step should be taken to configure a Programmatic Guaranteed deal once negotiations are complete?

  • (A) In My Inventory, find the deal and select configure
  • (B) Find the deal in Marketplace and assign the creative
  • (C) Select the deal from the the insertion order’s Inventory Source targeting
  • (D) Add the Deal ID in the advertiser’s Basic Details

Q.51 – How can an advertiser be granted access to TrueView inventory?

  • (A) Add YouTube to the targeted sites in the TrueView channel
  • (B) Add a 4 percent media fee to the partner revenue model
  • (C) Accept Terms & Conditions and Fees in the Partner’s settings
  • (D) Add YouTube to the list of accepted exchanges in the Partner’s settings

Q.52 – What step should an advertiser take to exclude sensitive categories using a supported third-party verification tool?

  • (A) Upload the categories into Campaign Manager’s Verification system
  • (B) Select the integrated third-party from “Other Verification Services” in Brand Safety targeting
  • (C) Contact support with a list of the categories that need to be excluded using a specific third-party verification service
  • (D) Implement tracking tags with 1×1 pixels that call the third-party’s verification system

Q.53 – Where are video ads hosted for a TrueView campaign?

  • (A) On Campaign Manager
  • (B) On the advertiser’s public YouTube channel
  • (C) On Display & Video 360 using a 1×1 pixel and a Native ad tag
  • (D) Through a third-party video hosting tool

Q.54 – What step should be taken to track and secure a programmatic deal with a publisher?

  • (A) Go to Marketplace Negotiations to review and accept deals in Display & Video 360
  • (B) Contact your customer support representative
  • (C) Go to the partner’s Basic Details, in Display & Video 360 and link the deal ID
  • (D) Go to Inventory targeting within a line item and search within “Inventory Source”

Q.55 – What is the result of using a VPAID tag instead of a VAST tag when running video ads?

  • (A) Less available inventory across all devices
  • (B) The ability to run on TrueView inventory
  • (C) More available inventory across all devices
  • (D) Less functionality for engagement and interaction with ad

Q.56 – How are creatives assigned to a line item?

  • (A) Bulk upload a creative spreadsheet in the advertiser’s creative section
  • (B) In the line item’s settings, search and select the correct 1×1 pixel
  • (C) While setting up a new creative for the advertiser, assign the line item and click Save
  • (D) Select the creative to assign in the line item’s creative section

Q.57 – How would you add third-party verification to a creative when Campaign Manager is your ad server?

  • (A) Download the Campaign Manager tag, append to the Display & Video 360 tag, and perform a SDF bulk upload
  • (B) Add the Display & Video 360 tags to Campaign Manager with the third party verification’s tracking link
  • (C) In Display & Video 360, use the custom tag wrapper feature
  • (D) Add the integration code to the advertiser’s Basic Details and upload the tags to Display & Video 360

Q.58 – Which two insertion order and line item settings are required? (select two)

  • (A) Auto Budget Allocation
  • (B) Pacing
  • (C) Automated bid strategy
  • (D) Budget

Q.59 – What ad format cannot run with Even pacing set on the insertion order?

  • (A) Video
  • (B) TrueView
  • (C) Native
  • (D) Display

Q.60 – To access a first-party audience list from a Floodlight tag in Display & Video 360, what step should be taken in Campaign Manager?

  • (A) Add a Display & Video 360 macro to the Floodlight Tag
  • (B) Add a custom variable for audience targeting
  • (C) Set the Floodlight tag to accept Dynamic tags
  • (D) Assign the Floodlight tag to an audience list

Q.61 – What is the difference between Programmatic Guaranteed deals and preferred deals?

  • (A) Preferrred deals do not allow targeting edits in Display & Video 360
  • (B) Programmatic Guaranteed deals are imcompatible with conversion pixels
  • (C) Programmatic Guaranteed deals have required minimum spend
  • (D) Preferred deals have required minimum spend

Q.62 – To send data from Campaign Manager to Display & Video 360, what initial step should be taken?

  • (A) Remove any reference to Campaign Manager Site(s) in Display & Video’s Basic Details
  • (B) Associate Display & Video 360 in the advertiser’s Floodlight configuration in Campaign Manager
  • (C) Associate the Display & Video 360 partner ID in Campaign Manager’s Properties
  • (D) Associate the Bid Manager partner ID in the advertiser’s “Creatives fields” section

Q.63 – What percentage of the daily budget is applied when using “Ahead” pacing?

  • (A) 150% of the budget, based on budget segments and KPIs
  • (B) 200% of the daily budget, based on inventory
  • (C) 120% of the daily budget, based on the flight dates
  • (D) It’s not a specific percentage, it’s solely based on performance

Q.64 – What environment supports proximity targeting?

  • (A) Mobile Web
  • (B) Mobile App
  • (C) Desktop Web on Mobile
  • (D) TrueView

Q.65 – What is required for creative approval?

  • (A) A 3rd-party verification tracker
  • (B) A valid landing page
  • (C) Data sharing is enabled
  • (D) HTML5 formatting

Q.66 – How can a group of URLs be excluded across advertisers?

  • (A) Contact support to exclude the list of URLs
  • (B) Create a channel of URLs and exclude it in advertiser or partner-level targeting
  • (C) Cross-match a group of URLs with their sensitive categories and block them in Brand Safety targeting
  • (D) Upload an Inventory Availability report into the line item’s verification settings

Q.67 – Which campaign setting impacts how the associated insertion orders deliver?

  • (A) Performance goal
  • (B) Planned spend
  • (C) Frequency capping
  • (D) Campaign name

Q.68 – To duplicate a line item, what steps must be taken?

  • (A) Select the line item, click “Action,” and then “Bulk Edit”
  • (B) Select the line item, click “Action,” and then “Download”
  • (C) Select the line item, click “Action,” and then “Duplicate”
  • (D) Use the default targeting to duplicate line items

Q.69 – What are two ways to make bulk changes within Display & Video 360 campaigns?

  • (A) Naviagate to Insertion Order < Line Item level < Select Line Item < Action <Bulk Edit
  • (B) Navigate to optimization within line item view
  • (C) Use Structured Data Files (SDF)
  • (D) Update within Campaign Manager

Q.70 – Where can a preferred deal be assigned?

  • (A) In the partner settings, under inventory source
  • (B) In the line item’s audience targeting
  • (C) In the line item’s inventory source targeting
  • (D) In the line item’s creative assignment

Q.71 – Which two views show the revenue and conversion metrics for line items? (select two)

  • (A) Performance view
  • (B) Quality view
  • (C) Optimization view
  • (D) Pacing view

Q.72 – What is one way to control ad frequencies across multiple insertion orders?

  • (A) Set recency targeting
  • (B) Set campaign-level frequency caps
  • (C) Assign a frequency cap to each creative
  • (D) Create insertion order budget segments

Q.73 – What step would an advertiser take to target a list of email addresses?

  • (A) Create a Custom Affinity audience list
  • (B) Assign a Floodlight tag to an audience list in Campaign Manager
  • (C) Add the email addresses to keyword targeting
  • (D) Create a Customer Match list for TrueView

Q.74 – Which ad format supports pre-bid verification with Integral Ad Science?

  • (A) Bumpers
  • (B) Display
  • (C) Mobile app
  • (D) TrueView


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