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Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Certification Assessment Answers 2021 Updated

Before you get to the answers below, here are some important facts about the exam.

Before you get to the answers below, here are some important facts about the exam.

Exam Name – Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment.

Format and Time Limit – Multiple Choice with No Time Limit.

URL of Exam –

Whatsapp For Exam Services – +923201479679

Google Tag Manager Fundamental Exam Solutions

When a marketer enters the online business and starts running the campaign for his customers, there are many tasks that he has to deal with. Their work is not done through a single analytics tool and advertising account, requiring them to manage several. This is not an easy task, and marketers often get it wrong. For this reason, the marking solution must be used to manage every task.

To teach the marketer these tags and help them use them effectively, Google Analytics has implemented a basic course on Google Tag Manager.

What’s inside the course?

The ideas in the course relate to measurement and assessment. The details are briefly summarized below.

  • First, all marketers who participated in the course know the measurement plan and the strategy for implementing those plans.
  • After this beacon installation process, the admin learns and also introduces the data layer.
  • After that, ad conversion tracking will also be shown to the person who will assist you in the dynamic remarketing task.
One should watch all video modules as this will help one pass the exam. After passing the exam, they will receive a certificate allowing them to achieve an industry recognized certificate.

The motive of providing the Google Tag Manager Fundamental Exam solutions

People are learning how to properly use the tags and their controller but still can't pass the exam. The reason for this is a lack of practice. There is no tool like Google to help them in practice, which is why many students fail. To help them succeed and practice, we test the solutions to the final exam questions.

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment 1 Answers

Q.1 – Google Tag Manager helps you manage your website in which of the following ways? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Simplify and speed up tag deployment
  • (B) Specify when tags should fire
  • (C) Manage different versions of tags
  • (D) Increase audience reach

Q.2 – Google Tag Manager can only be used with Google tags

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Q.3 – To create a tag implementation plan, what are the recommended guidelines? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Decide which of your existing site tags you can move into Tag Manager
  • (B) Decide what static and dynamic values you’ll want to pass from your website
  • (C) Choose which tags can collect the data you need
  • (D) Decide which Tag Manager account to link to Google Analytics

Q.4 – Which Tag Manager tag would you use to track metrics and dimensions in Google Analytics?

  • (A) DoubleClick Floodlight Counter tag
  • (B) Google Ads Conversion Tracking tag
  • (C) Google Ads Remarketing tag
  • (D) Google Analytics Pageview tag

Q.5 – What is stored in a Tag Manager container?

  • (A) A grouping of all of your Tag Manager accounts
  • (B) A collection of variables defined in Tag Manager
  • (C) A Javascript object that holds data passed from your website
  • (D) A​ collection of website tags and triggers

Q.6 – What is a “container snippet” in Tag Manager?

  • (A) Javascript code placed on each page of your website
  • (B) A Javascript object that holds data passed from your website
  • (C) A collection of website tags and triggers
  • (D) Analytics tracking code

Q.7 – A Tag Manager account allows you to do which of the following?: (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Manage tags for one or more websites
  • (B) Manage user permissions in your Google Analytics account
  • (C) Connect multiple Tag Manager accounts to a single Google account
  • (D) Control access permissions to a Tag Manager account

Q.8 – What is a “trigger” in Tag Manager?

  • (A) A trigger determines which events fire on your website
  • (B) A trigger instantiates the data layer
  • (C) A​ trigger fires a tag in response to a website event
  • (D) A trigger publishes a tag to your website

Q.9 – What are the three parts of a trigger in Tag Manager?

  • (A) Variables,​ operators, and values
  • (B) Operators, tags, and variables
  • (C) Variables, operators, and the data layer
  • (D) Tags, values, and the push method

Q.10 – How do you enable a built-in variable in Tag Manager?

  • (A) Publish the built-in variable in the Publish Now area
  • (B) Create a user-defined variable in the Variables tab
  • (C) Select the built-in variable in the Variables tab
  • (D) Uncheck the built-in variable in the Variables tab

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment 2 Answers

Q.1 – When logging into Google Tag Manager for the first time, what needs to be set up?

  • (A) A Google Analytics account
  • (B) A Tag Manager account
  • (C) The data layer
  • (D) Cross-domain tracking

Q.2 – Where can the container code be found in Google Tag Manager? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) In a pop-up window after you create an account and container
  • (B) Under the “Accounts” section by clicking into the container
  • (C) Under “Admin” by selecting your container and clicking “Install Google Tag Manager”
  • (D) Under the “Versions” section by clicking into the tag

Q.3 – Which Tracking ID format should be used when setting up an Analytics Pageview tag?

  • (A) UA​ -123456-7
  • (B) 123456
  • (C) 123456-7
  • (D) UA-123456

Q.4 – What kind of variable should be used for a reusable Google Analytics property ID variable?

  • (A) User-defined Constant variable
  • (B) User-defined Data Layer variable
  • (C) Built-in Event variable
  • (D) Built-in Click Classes variable

Q.5 – Which are benefits of using the data layer in Tag Manager? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Write and edit code in the GTM interface
  • (B) Pass data into third-party applications
  • (C) Use data to fire tags
  • (D) Encrypt data automatically

Q.6 – Where should the data layer object be placed in the website code?

  • (A) Before​ the container snippet
  • (B) After the container snippet
  • (C) Inside the container snippet
  • (D) At the bottom of your HTML

Q.7 – How are variables structured in the data layer?

  • (A) As Javascript cookies
  • (B) As variable types
  • (C) As containers
  • (D) As​ key-value pairs

Q.8 – Which can be used to populate information to the data layer? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Use​ Javascript to pre-populate values in the data layer when a web page loads
  • (B) Use Google Ads to push information to the data layer
  • (C) Use Google Analytics to push information to the data layer
  • (D) Use a Javascript method to push values from your web page into the data layer

Q.9 – Data Layer variables automatically persist across different web pages

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment 3 Answers

Q.1 – To pass static values from a website into Google Analytics Custom Dimensions using the data layer, which of these must be set up? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) A Custom Segment
  • (B) The data layer
  • (C) A Data Layer variable
  • (D) A Google Analytics tag with a Custom Dimension

Q.2 – The data layer “push” method allows you to do what?

  • (A) Push data from Google Analytics to your website
  • (B) Push​ data from your website into the data layer
  • (C) Push data from Google Ads to the data layer
  • (D) Push data from one Tag Manager account to another

Q.3 – To pass dynamic values from a website into Google Analytics Custom Metrics using the data layer, which of these must be set up? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) A Trigger
  • (B) The data layer
  • (C) A Data Layer variable
  • (D) A Google Analytics tag with a Custom Metric

Q.4 – To send Custom Dimension data with an Analytics Pageview tag, what do you need to add to the Pageview tag in Tag Manager?

  • (A) The Tag Manager account ID
  • (B) The Analytics property ID
  • (C) A Javascript push method
  • (D) The​ Custom Dimension index number

Q.5 – To send Custom Metric data with an Analytics Pageview tag, what do we need to add to the Pageview tag in Tag Manager?

  • (A) The Tag Manager account ID
  • (B) The Analytics property ID
  • (C) A Javascript push method
  • (D) The​ Custom Metric index number

Q.6 – What event type would you choose to track button clicks using an event trigger?

  • (A) Click
  • (B) Form
  • (C) Page View
  • (D) History Change

Q.7 – What kinds of website actions can trigger a Google Analytics event tag in Tag Manager? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Submit button clicks
  • (B) Play button video clicks
  • (C) Menu selection
  • (D) Closing a web page

Q.8 – What kind of user-defined variable should you use to track the URL of a webpage in Tag Manager?

  • (A) Page Path variable
  • (B) URL​ variable
  • (C) Click Classes variable
  • (D) DOM element

Q.9 – What Tag Manager variable type should you use to track only the part of a URL after the hash sign?

  • (A) URL Port
  • (B) URL Query
  • (C) URL​ Fragment
  • (D) URL Path

Q.10 – Which built-in variable should you use to define an event trigger based on the class of a Submit button?

  • (A) Built-in Event variable
  • (B) Built-in Element variable
  • (C) Built-in Click Classes variable
  • (D) Built-in Click Target variable

Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Assessment 4 Answers

Q.1 – To create an Google Ads Conversion tracking tag in Tag Manager, which of these is needed from your Google Ads account? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Google Ads Account number
  • (B) Conversion Label
  • (C) Conversion ID
  • (D) Conversion Property

Q.2 – What would you put in the Conversion Value field to dynamically capture the conversion values associated with your Google Ads tag?

  • (A) A built-in Referrer variable that records conversion URLs
  • (B) A user-defined variable that records conversion amount
  • (C) The median amount users spend according to Analytics
  • (D) The projected amount users will spend according to Analytics variable that records conversion URLs

Q.3 – What does Google Analytics Dynamic Remarketing use to show website visitors ads for content they previously viewed? (select all answers that apply)

  • Hit​ and session attributes collected via the data layer
  • Products the user has +1’d in Google Plus
  • User​ information from the Analytics cookie
  • Hit and session attributes collected from Google Ads

Q.4 – To set up Dynamic Remarketing in Tag Manager, where do you enable data collection for Advertising Features? (select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Google Ads account admin settings
  • (B) Analytics account admin settings
  • (C) Tag Manager account admin settings
  • (D) Tag Manager dashboard

Q.5 – What does Google Ads use to generate dynamic ads based on a user’s past interactions with website products and services?

  • (A) Browser cookies
  • (B) Javascript methods
  • (C) Dynamic​ attributes
  • (D) User profiles

Q.6 – Where can you find a list of business-vertical attributes for Dynamic Remarketing?

  • (A) The​ Google Analytics Help Center
  • (B) The Google Analytics Admin area
  • (C) The Tag Manager Admin area
  • (D) The Google Ads Admin area

Q.7 – For Dynamic Remarketing, what kind of variable needs to be set up in Tag Manager to collect information in the data layer?

  • (A) Constant variable
  • (B) Data​ Layer variable
  • (C) Google Ads variable
  • (D) Event variable

Q.8 – For Dynamic Remarketing, what needs to be set up in Google Analytics to collect information from the data layer?

  • (A) Constant variable
  • (B) Data​ Layer variable
  • (C) Google Ads variable
  • (D) Event variable

Q.9 – For Dynamic Remarketing, if you wish to use the data layer to collect when a user adds a product to their shopping cart without refreshing the page, what Analytics track type would you use?

  • (A) Pageview
  • (B) Event
  • (C) Transaction
  • (D) Social

Q.10 – For Dynamic Remarketing, to set your tag to fire on a particular page, what should your trigger variable be set to?

  • (A) Page URL
  • (B) Referrer
  • (C) Click Classes
  • (D) Page Hostname


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