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Google Analytics For Beginners Assessment Answers 2021 Updated

Before you get to the answers below here are some important facts about this exam.

Exam Name – Google Analytics For Beginners Assessment

Format and Time Limit – Multiple Choice with No Time Limit

URL of Exam –

Whatsapp For Exam Services – +923201479679

Google Analytics for Beginners Certificate Solutions

Whenever a marketer sets up a campaign, he has goals in mind that he wants to achieve with it. Google has provided another platform known as Google Analytics to perform this analysis task. Through this platform, you can get details about your website and activities related to ads i.e. traffic report generated, customer analysis, ad clickthrough rate, visibility of your ads, etc. When a marketer gets deep analysis of these leads, they can make changes to the campaign and website for better results.

To teach new marketers the concept of analytics and get started with Analytics, Google has developed a special course: Google Analytics Certification Course for Beginners.

About The Google Analytics For Beginners Certification Course

Google Analytics Academy to provide information to marketers who designed this course. In this course module, the learner is taught through various videos and real-life experiences of people using Google Analytics. It also familiarizes you with the tool and teaches you how to use it to achieve your business goals. This course also teaches you how to analyze the report.

After completing the course, you will be required to take a test to test your skills in the field. Once the test is successful, you will receive a certificate showing how effectively you are using the Google Analytics tool.

Motive of Providing Google Analytics for Beginners Certification Exam Solutions

It can be clearly seen that even after gaining knowledge, some people cannot pass the certification exam. For this reason, we have provided you with the latest certification exam questions and their solutions so that you can practice before taking the actual exam.

Google Analytics For Beginners Assessment 1 Answers

Q.1 – Using tracking code, Google Analytics can report on data from which systems? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) E-commerce platforms
  • (B) Mobile Applications
  • (C) Online point-of-sales systems
  • (D) Systems not connected to the Internet

Q.2 – To collect data using Google Analytics, which steps must be completed? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Install Google Analytics desktop software
  • (B) Create an Analytics account
  • (C) Add Analytics tracking code to each webpage
  • (D) Download the Analytics app

Q.3 – The Analytics tracking code can collect which of the following? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Language the browser is set to
  • (B) Type of browser
  • (C) User’s favorite website
  • (D) Device and operating system

Q.4 – When will Google Analytics end a session by default?

  • (A) After 30 minutes, regardless of user activity on your website
  • (B) Once the user opens another browser window
  • (C) When a user is inactive on your site for 30 minutes or more or closes a browser window
  • (D) At noon every day

Q.5 – Once Google Analytics processes data, it’s stored in a database where it can’t be modified.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Q.6 – Which represents the hierarchical structure of a Google Analytics account from top to bottom?

  • (A) View > Account > Property
  • (B) Property > Account > View
  • (C) Account > View > Property
  • (D) Account > Property > View

Q.7 – A user with “edit” permissions at the Account level will automatically have “edit” permissions at which other levels? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) User
  • (B) Property
  • (C) View
  • (D) Product

Q.8 – To locate a property’s Analytics tracking code, which sequence of steps should be followed?

  • (A) Admin > Tracking Code > Tracking Info
  • (B) Admin > Tracking Info > Tracking Code
  • (C) Reports > Audience > Tracking Code
  • (D) Audience Reports > Settings > Tracking Code

Q.9 – To use Analytics to collect website data, what must be added to the website page HTML?

  • (A) Google campaign parameters
  • (B) Google Analytics terms and conditions
  • (C) Google Analytics tracking code
  • (D) A permissions button

Q.10 – Where should the Analytics tracking code be placed in the HTML of a webpage to collect data?

  • (A) Immediately after the opening <head> tag of your website
  • (B) Immediately before the closing </head> tag of your website
  • (C) Immediately after the opening <body> tag of your website
  • (D) Immediately before the closing </body> tag of your website

Q.11 – When a new view is created, what data will be included?

  • (A) Data from before the view was created
  • (B) Data from after the view was created
  • (C) Data from before and after the view was created
  • (D) No data

Q.12 – A deleted view can be recovered by account administrators within how many days?

  • (A) 35
  • (B) 65
  • (C) 95
  • (D) 125

Q.13 – What are the options for filtering data in Google Analytics?

  • (A) Exclude data from a view
  • (B) Include data in a view
  • (C) Modify how data appears in your reports
  • (D) All of the above

Q.14 – Why is it important to keep one unfiltered view when using filters with Google Analytics?

  • (A) To ensure you can always access the original data
  • (B) In order to configure Goals
  • (C) In order to use a filter for multiple views
  • (D) There is no reason to have an unfiltered view

Q.15 – In which order does Google Analytics filter data?

  • (A) Alphabetical order by filter name
  • (B) The order in which the filters were last edited
  • (C) The order in which the filters are applied
  • (D) Randomized order

Q.16 – When a filter is applied to a view, what data is affected?

  • (A) Data from before the filter was created
  • (B) Data from after the filter was created
  • (C) All the data available in a view
  • (D) None of the data available in a view

Google Analytics For Beginners Assessment 2 Answers

Q.1 – What feature would be used to compare two date ranges in a report?

  • (A) Hourly, Day, Week, Month views in the time graph
  • (B) Real-time reports
  • (C) Date range comparison
  • (D) Account selector

Q.2 – What does the “Users” metric measure?

  • (A) The total number of visits to your website
  • (B) Users that had at least one session on your site in the given date range
  • (C) Users that landed on the homepage of your website
  • (D) Users who have signed up to an email newsletter on your website

Q.3 – What is the “Bounce Rate” in Google Analytics?

  • (A) The number of times unique users returned to your website in a given time period
  • (B) The percentage of sessions in which a user exits from your homepage
  • (C) The percentage of total site exits
  • (D) The percentage of visits when a user landed on your website and exited without any interactions

Q.4 – What is a “dimension” in Google Analytics?

  • (A) The total amount of revenue a business has made in a given date range.
  • (B) An attribute of a data set that can be organized for better analysis.
  • (C) A comparison of data between two date ranges.
  • (D) A report that offers information about your audience.

Q.5 – What is a “metric” in Google Analytics?

  • (A) A dimension that can help you analyze site performance.
  • (B) The dates in your date range.
  • (C) A segment of data separated out in a report for comparison.
  • (D) The numbers in a data set often paired with dimensions.

Q.6 – What is a “secondary dimension” in Google Analytics?

  • (A) An additional widget you can add to a dashboard for more specific analysis.
  • (B) An additional metric you can add to a report for more specific analysis.
  • (C) An additional dimension you can add to a report for more specific analysis.
  • (D) A visualization that allows you to understand the impact of your data.

Q.7 – Which Google Analytics visualization compares report data to the website average?

  • (A) Pivot view
  • (B) Comparison view
  • (C) Performance view
  • (D) Percentage view

Q.8 – How can the amount of data in a sampled Google Analytics report be increased?

  • (A) Apply additional filters
  • (B) Remove the Secondary Dimension
  • (C) Choose “Faster response” in the sampling pulldown menu
  • (D) Choose “Greater precision” in the sampling pulldown menu

Q.9 – When selecting “Share Template Link” in the dashboard, what will be shared?

  • (A) Dashboard only
  • (B) Data only
  • (C) Dashboard and data
  • (D) Neither dashboard nor data

Q.10 – When A Dashboard Is Shared With A User, That User Can Edit The Dashboard Configuration As They See It.

  • (A) True
  • (B) False

Google Analytics For Beginners Assessment 3 Answers

Q.1 – What setting must be enabled to view data in Demographics and Interests Reports?

  • (A) Content Grouping
  • (B) Advertising features
  • (C) User permissions on the view
  • (D) In-Page Analytics

Q.2 – What report would best help identify potential browser issues with website traffic?

  • (A) The Active Users report
  • (B) The New vs Returning report
  • (C) The Browser & OS report
  • (D) The Source/Medium report

Q.3 – What report shows what mobile devices were used to view a website?

  • (A)  The Exit Pages report under “Site Content”
  • (B)  The Landing Page report under “Site Content”
  • (C)  The Engagement report under “Behavior”
  • (D) The Devices report under “Mobile”

Q.4 – Which Traffic Source dimensions does Google Analytics automatically capture for each user who comes to your site?

  • (A) Source, Keyword, Campaign name
  • (B) Source, Medium, Keyword
  • (C) Source, Medium, Campaign name
  • (D) Medium, Keyword, Campaign name

Q.5 – Which “sources” are available in Google Analytics? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A)
  • (B) Email
  • (C) Google
  • (D) (direct)

Q.6 – Which “mediums” are available in Google Analytics? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) organic
  • (B) cpc
  • (C)
  • (D) referral

Q.7 – Which “channels” are available in the default Channels report? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Organic Search
  • (B) Device
  • (C) Display
  • (D) Direct

Q.8 – What report can show how particular sections of website content performed?

  • (A) Location
  • (B) Content Drilldown
  • (C) Frequency and Recency
  • (D) Top Events

Q.9 – What report lists the website pages where users first arrived?

  • (A) Events > Pages
  • (B) All Pages
  • (C) Exit Pages
  • (D) Landing Pages

Q.10 – What report should be used to check if users are leaving from important pages on your website?

  • (A) Landing Pages report
  • (B) All Pages report
  • (C) Exit Pages report
  • (D) Pages report under Events

Google Analytics For Beginners Assessment 4 Answers

Q.1 – Which three tags does Google Analytics require for accurate campaign tracking?

  • (A) Medium, Source, and Content
  • (B) Medium, Source, and Campaign
  • (C) Campaign, Content, and Term
  • (D) Source, Content, and Term

Q.2 – Which tags are standard Google Analytics campaign parameters? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) utm_adgroup
  • (B) utm_source
  • (C) utm_medium
  • (D) utm_content

Q.3 – To quickly generate campaign tags, what tool should be used?

  • (A) The Measurement Protocol
  • (B) The Segment Builder
  • (C) The URL Builder
  • (D) The Goal Selector

Q.4 – Which formats may be used to add a custom campaign parameter to a URL? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) campaign = fallsale
  • (B)
  • (C)
  • (D) = fall sale

Q.5 – Which are examples of Goals in Google Analytics? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Making a purchase
  • (B) Signing up for a newsletter
  • (C) Completing a successful Google search
  • (D) Submitting a contact information form

Q.6 – When creating a Goal in Google Analytics, which are required? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Goal Name
  • (B) Goal Type
  • (C) Goal Slot ID
  • (D) Goal Funnel Visualization

Q.7 – If the Google Merchandise Store sets up a URL goal of “/thankyou” and a Match Type of “Begins with”, which of the following pages on will count as goals?

  • (A) /thankyou.html
  • (B) /thankyou.php
  • (C) /thankyou/receipt.php
  • (D) All of the above

Q.8 – Google Ads lets users advertise on which properties? (Select all answers that apply)

  • (A) Google Search
  • (B) Google Display Network
  • (C) Campaign Manager
  • (D) Google AdSense

Q.9 – Enabling auto-tagging does what?

  • (A) Adds Analytics tags to campaign URLs
  • (B) Adds Google Ads tags to campaign URLs
  • (C) Adds campaign hyperlinks to website pages
  • (D) Adds Analytics tracking code to website pages

Q.10 – What Google Ads report in Google Analytics can show which bid adjustments resulted in higher conversions?

  • (A) Campaigns
  • (B) Keywords
  • (C) Bid Adjustments
  • (D) Destination URLs


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